category: brand identity system
deliverables: poster, postcard, facebook banner
concept: The Point Loma Nazarene University Art + Design Senior Show is an event that takes place every spring semester where graduating seniors showcase their design work for public viewing. The show includes both Visual Art major's exhibitions and the Graphic Design major's Portfolio Review. The design challenge was to create a poster that communicates the event successfully across various forms of displays and media types while reflecting both aspects of Visual Art and Graphic Design within the show. 
My goal for this project was to communicate the event with a strong sense of enthusiasm because the senior show is such an exciting event for the graduating designers at PLNU. The saying “We’re Going All The Way” is used to signify that the young designers are one step away and have almost reached their final destination. 
I felt that the best way to incorporate visual art with graphic design was to create both an illustrated graphic and typography for my poster that would accompany the information. I incorporated 1970s graphic style and color inspired by the vintage Cooper Hewitt poster collection during the Vietnam War. Despite the hardships, 1970s graphic design remained eccentric and dynamic. This same kind of enthusiasm is what I communicated in my senior show poster, through the movement of my illustration, color usage, and fluid typography.
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