strategist + storyteller
There are few things in this world that intrigue me as much as good design. Specifically, brilliant concepts paired with sheer precision and attention to detail is what I admire most. Noticing these little beautiful moments have helped me improve my own craft and possess the same expectation to pour dedication and perfection into my own work. I also enjoy using my design expertise in order to help others reach their business goals through successful marketing communication strategies. These strategies allow me to create big ideas down to the smallest design details that matter for the success of a project.
Where I studied design at Point Loma Nazarene University, I worked diligently toward earning a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design and Marketing concentration. My liberal arts education will enable me to work seamlessly across design and marketing and I am eager to assist multi-disciplinary teams with their real-world visual communication challenges.
Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about who I am, feel free to send me a message– I would love to meet you!

the designer's strengths
no. 1 strategy
The strategic theme enables a special perspective on the world; a distinct way of thinking to sort through the clutter and find the most optimal route in situations. Evaluating potential obstacles and staying mindful of patterns, I am able to carefully articulate my next move which allows me strike forward in confident decision making.
no. 2 positivity
People with the strength of positivity are constantly looking for and actively bringing out the positive. This strength bleeds into other qualities such as: optimism, enthusiasm, generousness, and lightheartedness— these characteristics are expressed throughout daily life and can become contagious to others.
no. 3 empathy
The strength of empathy allows one the unique ability to sense the emotions of people around them. They are welcoming and strive to create a safe place for others to express themselves and feel a sense of peace and comfort. This strength helps me perceive, understand, and regulate the emotions of myself and others around me.
no. 4 individualization
Individualization is a strength that allows me to see each person as one of a kind. People with this strength are intrigued by unique qualities and draw out uniqueness in others. This skills allows me to be attentive to people’s individual style and interests recognizing that everyone stands out in their own way.
no. 5 achiever
Those with the strength of achiever are known for having a great stamina for hard work. This strength holds a specific drive and determination that achiever’s exhibit in their work ethic. Being an achiever allows me to work productively and efficiently, constantly checking off lists and moving toward my goals.
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