category: typography
deliverables: typefaces
concept: This project was an exploration of the movement of counterculture inspired by the 1960s and 70s era. The strong rebellion of war from this time period was conveyed in design through psychedelic and fluid movements of lines and shapes that influenced the line qualities and curvature in my typeface. The given name for this typeface is “Free Spirit,” to resemble the peaceful and nonconformist ideas from the 60s and 70s expressed in Band posters, album artwork, and graphic design in general. 
“Free Spirit” is a font typeface with both filled and outlined styles. In order to retain the same shape qualities as the inspired period, the typeface is only for capitalized typography and best used above a 20 pt. size for headings and subheadings for a strong sense of hierarchy similar to the 60s and 70s design posters.
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